News from the Göttingen Campus

Göttingen agricultural economist evaluates research results on food security
Plant breeding has considerably increased agricultural yields in recent decades and thus made a major contribution to combating global hunger and poverty. At the same time, however, the intensification of farming has had negative environmental effects. Increases in food production will continue to be crucial for the future because the world population and demand continue to grow. A recent study by the University of Göttingen shows that new plant…
The original idea of this day undergoes a change during Corona times
Today is International Laboratory Animal Day. Founded in 1962 by the British animal rights activist, Lady Dowding, it is intended to commemorate the fate of laboratory animals around the world. She has set this day of action in honour of her husband on his birthday - 24 April. Now, in the Corona Year, animal experiments are once again receiving special attention as new therapies against the virus are developed. Animal testing is a particularly…
International anerkannter Experte für schwere Lungenerkrankungen an der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, Prof. Dr. Luciano Gattinoni, mit „Clinical Update“ in renommierter amerikanischer Fachzeitschrift „Journal of the American Medical Association“ (JAMA)
Der aktuelle Stand zur Wirksamkeit und (Aus-)Wirkung von Beatmung bei COVID-19-Patienten ist Thema eines Beitrags im „Journal der American Medical Association“ (JAMA). JAMA ist eines der weltweit führenden Wissenschaftsjournale. In der JAMA-Ausgabe von Freitag, 24. April 2020, stellen Prof. Dr. Luciano Gattinoni von der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen (UMG) und Prof. John J. Marini von der Universität Minnesota/USA in einem „Clinical Update“ bisher…
Bundeswehr übergibt Universitätsmedizin Göttingen mobilen Computertomographen (CT) des Sanitätsregiments 3 aus Dornstadt zur Notfalldiagnostik von COVID-19-Patienten.
Um die radiologische Diagnostik von Coronavirus-Verdachtsfällen an der Universitätsmedizin Göttinger (UMG) zu unterstützen, hat die Bundeswehr am Donnerstag, dem 23. April 2020, der UMG ein mobiles Computertomograph (CT)-Gerät übergeben. Der Container mit dem CT war 476 Kilometer unterwegs und kam zusammen mit einem Aufbaukommando vom Sanitätsregiment 3 aus Dornstadt bei Ulm. Das Gerät wurde in der Nähe der Notaufnahme des Universitätsklinikums…
The instrument behaves in space exactly as planned - and has already set a record.
An important milestone has been reached in the commissioning of the instrument PHI (Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager) on board ESA's Solar Orbiter spacecraft: comprehensive tests have shown that the instrument's hardware is working perfectly. Over the past few days and weeks, scientists and engineers from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) have successfully commissioned all of the telescope’s operating modes. PHI…
Interactions of chemically active particles can be as complex as human relationships
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization show that two microscopic non-equilibrium chemically active particles, such as enzymes or catalytically active colloids, can have a vast range of complex interactions reminiscent of human relationships, instead of just simple attraction and simple repulsion. Chemically active particles, such as enzymes or colloids, can propel in a liquid by converting chemical energy into…
Music scholar at the University of Göttingen receives ERC Consolidator Grant of 2 million euros
The music scholar Professor Birgit Abels from the University of Göttingen has received a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC will fund the project "Sound Knowledge: Alternative Epistemologies of Music in the Western Pacific Island World" (SoundKnowledge) for the next five years with around two million euros. In this project, Abels and her team research music-making in the Western Pacific Island World as a very…
Agricultural scientists from the University of Göttingen study the effects of climate change on irrigation water supply worldwide
Snow, which accumulates in many mountainous regions in winter and melts in spring and summer, makes a significant contribution to the supply of irrigation water in many river basins. The observed change in the climate is affecting the amount and timing of snowmelt. In a global study, an interdisciplinary research team led by the Ohio State University and including agricultural scientists from the University of Göttingen has investigated how a…
Only living organisms provide reliable data for drug development
The immune system of non-human primates is very similar to ours. They can often infect themselves with the same pathogens that infect us humans and show similar symptoms. This makes them an important model for research into disease-triggering mechanisms and the resulting development of new drugs and agents to combat serious diseases.  The great importance of the use of animals in research is particularly evident in view of the current corona…
Lower Saxony supports the fight against the coronavirus with 10 million Euros
Corona research in Lower Saxony will receive almost 10 million Euros from the supplementary budget of the state government in order to develop new therapies, vaccines and efficient diagnostic tests as soon as possible. Funding will primarily be given to projects that promise rapid feasibility and are of clinical importance. The German Primate Center, which is involved in the search for existing active substances for the treatment of Covid-19…